Friday, July 6, 2012

Wardrobe MALFUNCTION! Tips to help prevent you from making my mistake!!!

A girl's worst bend over to pick something up, or in the case of yoga, forward fold, and your pants split right down the seams, exposing your undies or bare derriere for the entire class to see. Fortunately, my wardrobe malfunction was not nearly that severe (it has happened before, though, while dropping it like its hot at a bar in Chicago), but darn well close enough!

This past weekend, I participated in a special yoga practice that consisted of a photo shoot for this amazingly awesome yoga shirt line (as soon as I have more info regarding the clothes and how to order, I'll definitely post). Per the designer's request, black or dark blue bottoms were required, the tops would be provided. Like most other women, I did a mental inventory of all of my yoga pants (not that there's a lot to go through). Immediately, I knew just what to wear: my super cute, black snap up capris that I just adore to death. They're comfy, perfectly adorable, and supposedly designed for yoga. Now, I've worn these capris to many yoga classes without a hitch (or so I thought). Bear in mind, most of these yoga classes have been done in dimly lit rooms or at night. This particular class was a little was held during the middle of the day and in Urban Yoga's studio which has a floor to ceiling windowed wall. HELLO NATURAL LIGHTING!!!

Here comes the super juicy part...I bend over to shuffle my yoga mat around and move on to converse with Claudia, one of my yoga instructors. A few minutes later my next door mat neighbor graciously grabs my attention. She softly whispers to me that when I bent over earlier, she happened to see my thong. Immediately, I felt my face turn a violent shade of red. On a side note, I have self-diagnosed myself with being highly vascularized and that's why I blush, flush, or turn red on a dime. Anyone who knows me can attest to that. So, I start running through my head how she could've seen my flourescent green and blue polk-a-dotted undies. The waistband of my capris stays very secure throughout my entire practice, so that couldn't have been it. Was she thinking of the right person? There were quite a few people in the room, maybe she had me mixed up for someone else. I mean, it had to have been someone else's undies she had seen when they were bending over. So Claudia chimes in and we give the forward fold another go with her eyes on my rear. Sure enough...these awesomely cute, specially designed for yoga capri tights are SEE THROUGH!!!! OMG!!!!

At this point there are only two options: 1) go au natural and have my now panty-less tush and other girlie parts exposed still to everyone or 2) grin through it and hope that if the photographer catches a glimpse of it in a pic, that it can be photo-shopped out. Fortunately, the only ones who would be getting a face full of my thong sliced moon was Claudia, Seth, my very observant mat neighbor, or my good yoga friend Chris and that's if they're even paying any attention. Ultimately, I settled for option two and managed through a very fun and challenging class. Lesson learned!

So here are a couple things to take away from this if you want to avoid mooning the entire class when you practice yoga: when shopping for new yoga pants/tights/capris, etc...make sure to try out a couple of yoga poses while you're wearing them, especially forward fold. Stand in a well lit area and make sure you have a mirror behind you to check for any indiscretions that may appear. If you absolutely love the pants and decide to purchase them but are still insecure about showing off your behind, consider wearing them to a darker lit yoga class or stand in the back of the room. What happens with some yoga tights is that when the fabric gets taut, it separates slightly exposing anything (or nothing) that's hiding underneath. This typically happens with a cotton blend tight rather than one that's nylon/lycra. If you're unsure about your current yoga garb, try it at home or find a friendly person in class to scope it out for you. :)

What I LOVE about yoga:
#1: It has a way of keeping you in check, mentally, PHYSICALLY (inside and out), and emotionally :)

Peace and love all,


  1. there are so many people in my yoga classes that need to read this. lol. :-)

  2. my friendly mat neighbor said to me (who is also an amazing yoga instructor here in the valley), she'd rather let the woman know about their wardrobe malfunction and let them make their own informed decision whether or not to wear them going forward. I'll definitely be putting a LOT more thought into it the next time I wear them :)

  3. Now I understand why you were self conscious about "mooning me." That day I thought, "What's the big deal? I see tushes all the time" I honestly did not notice your polka-dot unmentionables.

    1. Whew...what a relief!!! And when do you see tushes all the time??? Hahaha, I thought you worked at USAA....

  4. Ha!! Thanks for the laugh, Sister!

    1. You're welcome and don't forget to follow me, Jenny!!!! Missy beat you to the punch and I find that highly unacceptable for my only sister ;). JK...LOVE YOU!!!!

  5. Oh my goodness! That is hilarious…And I'll go follow you now! (Don't want to get scolded--after seeing what your sister got. :))

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